Friday, May 15, 2009


I felt very 'beery' tonight.. I don't know why! Felt like getting high or low, whichever way one goes when one gulps down few bottles of beer or whatever gets you high! If there were more than 2 I would have had them all but just 2 there were... So, had them real quick to make it work fast.. is it a myth or what, I really don't know! But m almost not real and not surreal as well.. so it must be working its magic somehow.. heehee!!

I'm trying not to think of anything seriously serious because if I do I think I might end up drowning myself.. so you see I've managed to do so.. coz I'm still afloat..!! wonder how!! even though I really don't know how to swim.. maybe I am just too light.. but it can't be since I've gained some weight in the last few months.. sporting a proud pot belly which is, thankfully, still not that evident!! heehee!!

So, what is this blog about? Well, I just wanted to read afterward what I write when I'm somewhere in between and not anywhere at all!! The place where it's okay to be a shit but it's not allowed to feel shitty.. I really don't feel shitty now!! I don't.. thought it may be something else when life flows in normal speed.. right now, even the fan seems to be moving too fast.. why does it even have to hurry!! life is not moving as fast as it is moving! maybe he's in a hurry to shut down! I guess I should shut down or shut up as well..

Catch ya all later.. when I read what I finally wrote...!! heehee!!


  1. :P
    very innovative post!


  2. I guess, two beers seriously do not assure insanity! Lets try three tonite, at my place!!! What say?

  3. @sunny: I can now see the innovation.. :P

    @maria: guess i missed a good-intentioned offer!!! will sure grab both the opportunity as well as the beers the next time.. ;)


To Rob And Bella And Their Incredible Journey

Dedicated to #TeamRobAndBella. . I have been following the journey of Rob ( Facebook: Robert Kugler ) and his pet Bella, here on Insta...