Friday, May 22, 2009


For the most part life runs slow... there isn't much hurry to do anything at all. It's more like the day dawns with the sluggishness of a snail.. gets out of bed like a sloth moving from one branch to the other... gets going, out and about like a caterpillar crawling on a leaf... and falls into the depth of sleep like a leech falling off after having sucked enough blood from the flesh... When the beauty of the slow life gets a wee bit annoying, the thirst for speed takes control. Sometimes all we need is speed. Speed of thoughts and actions... speed of execution and not just of initialization... To make things happen and not just wait for it to unfold on its own. To seize all the opportunities that you have been waiting for with great precision.

But speed kills too. What could be worse than to be so near something you always wanted to achieve and die right at the threshold of achieving it? So, then it is not just speed that is the need, rather controlled speed, where the speed is not controlling us but we are controlling the speed of our lives; where it zooms real fast and where it takes a slow turn. To be one's own master. And when it is but a long yet 'over-too-all-soon' life, we can only measure its worth in the moments where we mastered our destinies.. our roads and our lives... It may just be 10 secs, but to live fully in those 10 secs.. In Dominic's or Dom's words, 'I live my life a quarter mile at a time.. nothing else matters.. for those 10 secs or less.. I am free...'

It's always better to live a life that is free even if it's for less... a long caged life can be no life at all, can it? Maybe it depends on how we define being free.. then again.. can we ever be free of everything.. perhaps that's why we are and feel free in those 10 secs when there is nothing holding us back.. nothing else bothering our minds or tugging at our hearts.. just speeding through!!

1 comment:

  1. nice one!
    cheers for dom's quote..
    that line's one of those FNF lines that i can think of my life with..


To Rob And Bella And Their Incredible Journey

Dedicated to #TeamRobAndBella. . I have been following the journey of Rob ( Facebook: Robert Kugler ) and his pet Bella, here on Insta...