Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Conversations are for most part better if it is carried out face to face rather than through any other medium. It makes things seem more real and the interaction seem more genuine. The instant reaction you can get to see on the person's face, their body language and all, leave very less scope for deception. So, would this mean that other conversations, like those through letters, emails, smses or telephone are less genuine? Not necessarily. There are those who find the external disturbances and influences during a face-to-face conversation discomforting when a private tête-à-tête is not possible. So, they prefer talking over the phone or writing smses and mails to each other. Even with the possibility of a person-to-person meeting, some still opt for conversations over the phone. They are able to express more explicitly when there's no tension or worry involved about how to act or behave physically during a conversation. They can sit at ease at home or wherever they feel at home without thinking about how they would be judged and so can converse more freely.

I have always preferred talking in person rather than through any other means. But if it is with a new person, it would not be hard for the person to figure out that I may be a little uncomfortable. I take time to find my comfort zone with someone new. It takes a few conversations to figure out if there is a scope for connecting with the person. If I do connect then depending on how we connect, the person will fall into one of my pre-concluded comfort zones. With a friend, it is very different. I would just somehow switch into one of my zones. It's a completely different comfort level altogether with a very close friend. It doesn't matter if it's in person or over the phone or any other medium. The conversations go on for hours and hours. They may be as trivial as the weather or too deep into philosophy and the mysteries of life. The comfort level just flows with ease.

Then there are those friends too with whom, despite having a great comfort level in person, conversations over the phone seem to yield a much better understanding of each other and strangely a greater comfort level as well. I have connected in this way to very few friends. And have spent nights and nights conversing endlessly about almost everything that affected both of our lives individually. One knows and understands different things about the person, more so since when one is completely comfortable things just flow out naturally. Of course there would still be a slight pause or a minute long silence, but it would not be the end of it at all. I have found out something unique or wacky about friends, like when they can sing uninhibitedly or make funny/silly noises in disapproval over the phone. I have surprised my friends as well, since they didn't know that when I do get talking sometimes I can keep going on and on to the point of irritation. Although it doesn't happen very often. Rarity of a thing somehow qualify for it being special most of the times. Not that this quality is a speciality!

No matter which medium we employ, the point is to put across what we want to say. If we are able to say it in the best way possible using whichever medium then conversations for most part is successful albeit the listener has taken the right cues and pointers from what was being said in the first place. Understanding is the key to a great conversation. And a great conversation makes relationships work at a better level too. It can be really therapeutic as well sometimes: takes the load off our minds, gets our brains ticking and gives us a fresh new perspective.

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