So, what have I been doing lately? Taking random rides on Delhi metro and seeing all the places I had not or would not have seen otherwise! And yes, practicing my mobile photography as well...

This one's at the the Jehangirpuri Station...

So, is this...

This one's at the Model Town station...

No prize for guessing where this is!!!

One more at Jehangirpuri Station...

This one's at the Rajiv Chowk Station... RDB's director ROM's latest film 'Delhi-6' hoarding..

It started early and went on for few hours... before finally ending on a shopping spree and a meeting with some new friends. It felt good to let go of one's rigid self. The voice that stops you from doing new things. The one that holds you back when all you want to do is jump right into it. Listening to him is a habit with me. He has been the only voice I have listened to for years now. It wasn't easy to ignore him. It was scary to find myself with no answers when I tried to fall back on him during the course of my adventure. But with time, I felt reassured I was doing good. And what fun I had!!

We just need to be open to new things in life... then maybe our lives may become everything but mundane and predictable... and we may just discover a whole new side to us!
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