Sunday, March 4, 2012

Housefull Memories

The way time flies. The way it seems it was just yesterday. And the way it feels how soon it has ended. Things change. Sometimes so fast we are left wondering if at all it did. Sometimes so slow we never realise it has.

I am sitting alone in a corner of the house I made a home in for over 5 years, with just a bag to carry the few things still remaining, while the empty spaces around me overpower my senses. I always thought how much sentimental can one get about a non-living thing like a house or a dark spot on a wall. Much too much. As I was talking to a friend about how perfect our memories will always be, because they remain the same, I felt the change sink in. This house is going to be a memory now. The moment I step out the chapter will be closed.

Five years is a long time. Yet it all comes down to this moment. I look at the empty walls and the empty floor. There was once a table there. I used to place my books there. I danced my 'funny dance' out there on my sister's birthday. I scolded my pet dog here for chewing the slippers. I stood outside on the balcony many a night when I was feeling low. I cried myself to sleep on the bed which used to be here, after I woke up from my sleep, terribly missing my mom. There were ribbons and paper flowers on the wall there on my surprise birthday party my sister organised where all my close friends dropped by.

How can I not get sentimental then, when there's so much to remember and cherish?

It's time now I pick up my things and head to the new place I would soon learn to call home. After all, not all change is bad, most turn out better than we hoped for. 

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