It's easy to get hooked on to daily soaps and serials or let's say the idiot box. It's easier too to get rid of the habit. I have had almost an addiction for my favourite series while growing up, to the extend that I would keep a tab of when and at what time they were repeated so that I don't end up missing any single episode. For the past few years, the addiction had subsided completely what with the erratic work timings. Now that I find myself with some free time, I am getting caught up with the idiot box again. The initial flirtations has now become a serious habit and there's a clear sign of addiction which I realised sometime before I started typing this post. I am now finding myself remembering all the repeat timings of the shows I have to, HAVE TO watch. The fact that some of my favourite series are back with a brand new season only aided my attachment to the little squarish box, I don't tire of looking at these days.
So, which are the series I am getting addicted to? Well, first let me tell you about my all time favourites starting from the ones I saw since I was a teenager. I never missed 'Wonder Years' or 'Doogie Howser', then there were 'Ally McBeal', 'ER', 'Roswell', and still running 'Brothers and Sisters', 'Lost', 'Heroes'... and of course never get bored of 'Friends'. Also 'Small Wonder', 'Blossom', 'Who's the boss?', 'Different Strokes' and then 'Numbers', 'Now and Then' (never got to see how it ended, AXN has not shown another season of the series). were religiously watched Various entertaining programs including reality shows like 'Amazing Race' (I am waiting for the latest Amazing Race Asia season), 'Survivors', 'Fear Factor', 'Top Chef' and many others I am failing to recollect at this moment including several docu programs on Natgeo ('Chasing Che', 'Lonely Planet' etc...).
I had and I guess still do have a fascination for Medical dramas, (can't say exactly why, it's what I figured after I started naming the series I liked) whether it's 'ER', 'Grey's Anatomy' 'Chicago Hope', '3 Lbs' and very recently 'All Saints' on Australia TV.
Among the Hindi series, I loved 'Dhund' based on Wuthering Heights starring Pooja Bhatt and directed by Vikram Bhatt. My family found it to be too slow but I would still see it no matter what. And others I watched since everyone in the family did and I too ended up getting hooked on to them, such as 'Kora Kagaz' 'Kshitij Yeh Nahin', 'Hum Log', 'Circus', 'Reporter', 'Byoomkesh Bakshi' (one of the most intelligent Hindi crime thriller which would put CID to shame!!), 'Tehkiqaat', 'Shayad', 'Star Bestseller' and even other entertaining programs like 'Surabhi', 'Superhit Muqabla', 'Boogie Woogie.'
Now, back to my present addiction. "Grey's Anatomy" is back and I am hooked on to it. I have missed several episodes of the previous season but have been watching all of the new episodes. You know what I missed one yesterday and had just begun watching the repeat today when the lights went out! I was so mad but now I am okay. I have one last shot at it during the weekends when two episodes would be shown back to back. I am just hoping I don't miss it. Another medical drama I don't miss is 'All Saints' on Australian TV. 'Scrubs' is back as well. The only light-hearted medical drama among the ones I love and its hilarious!
I never saw 'Monk' before but started watching its latest season and I am finding it quite interesting. Also new on my list are '90210', (I have seen few episodes of the older version 'Beverly Hills, 90210' which is currently being shown on Zee Cafe) the crime thriller 'Castle', witty and humorous 'Three and a half men' and the hilariously geeky 'Big bang theory'.
Even 'Lost' is back with its final season but having missed a lot of it, I am trying not to watch it since I would prefer watching the ones I have missed before I see how it ends. So, maybe I will have to wait a while before I get to see it. Then again, I might just be too tempted to watch it.
As I enjoy my latest addictions, I am waiting for the next installments of my other ecstasies, 'Brothers and sisters', 'Heroes' etc. to come by. Why such addictions? I guess we all need some 'feel good' factor in our lives. Even if it may seem really 'idiotic' inside the 'box', living out of it can be too taxing sometimes.

So, which are the series I am getting addicted to? Well, first let me tell you about my all time favourites starting from the ones I saw since I was a teenager. I never missed 'Wonder Years' or 'Doogie Howser', then there were 'Ally McBeal', 'ER', 'Roswell', and still running 'Brothers and Sisters', 'Lost', 'Heroes'... and of course never get bored of 'Friends'. Also 'Small Wonder', 'Blossom', 'Who's the boss?', 'Different Strokes' and then 'Numbers', 'Now and Then' (never got to see how it ended, AXN has not shown another season of the series). were religiously watched Various entertaining programs including reality shows like 'Amazing Race' (I am waiting for the latest Amazing Race Asia season), 'Survivors', 'Fear Factor', 'Top Chef' and many others I am failing to recollect at this moment including several docu programs on Natgeo ('Chasing Che', 'Lonely Planet' etc...).
I had and I guess still do have a fascination for Medical dramas, (can't say exactly why, it's what I figured after I started naming the series I liked) whether it's 'ER', 'Grey's Anatomy' 'Chicago Hope', '3 Lbs' and very recently 'All Saints' on Australia TV.
Among the Hindi series, I loved 'Dhund' based on Wuthering Heights starring Pooja Bhatt and directed by Vikram Bhatt. My family found it to be too slow but I would still see it no matter what. And others I watched since everyone in the family did and I too ended up getting hooked on to them, such as 'Kora Kagaz' 'Kshitij Yeh Nahin', 'Hum Log', 'Circus', 'Reporter', 'Byoomkesh Bakshi' (one of the most intelligent Hindi crime thriller which would put CID to shame!!), 'Tehkiqaat', 'Shayad', 'Star Bestseller' and even other entertaining programs like 'Surabhi', 'Superhit Muqabla', 'Boogie Woogie.'
Now, back to my present addiction. "Grey's Anatomy" is back and I am hooked on to it. I have missed several episodes of the previous season but have been watching all of the new episodes. You know what I missed one yesterday and had just begun watching the repeat today when the lights went out! I was so mad but now I am okay. I have one last shot at it during the weekends when two episodes would be shown back to back. I am just hoping I don't miss it. Another medical drama I don't miss is 'All Saints' on Australian TV. 'Scrubs' is back as well. The only light-hearted medical drama among the ones I love and its hilarious!
I never saw 'Monk' before but started watching its latest season and I am finding it quite interesting. Also new on my list are '90210', (I have seen few episodes of the older version 'Beverly Hills, 90210' which is currently being shown on Zee Cafe) the crime thriller 'Castle', witty and humorous 'Three and a half men' and the hilariously geeky 'Big bang theory'.
Even 'Lost' is back with its final season but having missed a lot of it, I am trying not to watch it since I would prefer watching the ones I have missed before I see how it ends. So, maybe I will have to wait a while before I get to see it. Then again, I might just be too tempted to watch it.
As I enjoy my latest addictions, I am waiting for the next installments of my other ecstasies, 'Brothers and sisters', 'Heroes' etc. to come by. Why such addictions? I guess we all need some 'feel good' factor in our lives. Even if it may seem really 'idiotic' inside the 'box', living out of it can be too taxing sometimes.
Calvin and Hobbes, May 5, 1992, by Bill Watterson

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