Sunday, July 17, 2011

Feeling The Best Despite Not Being At Your Best

I used to think that if you are feeling low or not-too-well physically or otherwise, it was impossible to enjoy no matter how much things seemed promising. I have been proven wrong on more occasions than one; the latest just recently.

If you have a good humoured outlook towards your setback, you can still conjure up enough confidence to have a good time. It greatly helps if you have some crazy friends around who are more than willing to hit the high notes with you.

The way I am as a person, it is never easy to come out of my shell. And ill health adds another layer to my reserved nature, rendering me unfit for society. However, this time I decided to have a blast nonetheless, laughing at my own hoarse voice induced by the flu I caught a few days back, blowing the guts out of my nose even in public whenever the warning bell rang or startling the heavens out of people with my frequent hysterical sneezes. Of course I covered my face with my handkerchief, unlike few closely related people I know!

I have realised that I have more often than not ended up having a good time when I had hesitated going out and meeting people in the first place for various reasons. Having had zero or negative expectations made the unexpected delightful experiences so much more pleasurable.

You are down in life only when you accept that you are sincerely in the 'downs', chasing away all the positivity from your life. When you change your outlook and see that a good time is independent of circumstances but entirely dependent on how you react to them, you realise you can still feel the best and have a good time even when you are not at your best.

Here's to more good tiiimmeess.. acchhhoo!! Excuse me!

To Rob And Bella And Their Incredible Journey

Dedicated to #TeamRobAndBella. . I have been following the journey of Rob ( Facebook: Robert Kugler ) and his pet Bella, here on Insta...